Friday 26 July 2013

Subways and Cicadas

Watching The Karate Kid in an hotel in Tokyo - very strange for some reason...

Just back from an Okonamiyaki restaurant - great stuff.  It's really nice to have people join you for dinner when you're travelling, and even better when your colleagues ake you to good places to eat. After three evenings & three good meals I really appreciate their generosity. 

Tokyo has been massively humid - well over 30 degrees each day and well over 70% humidity. The cicadas are out in force, with that twanging kree-kree-kree that distinguishes them from those we have back home (and raises the feeling of being in a Miyazaki film). It still seems bizarre that my last trip was 8 years ago, but it doesn't seem much has changed, except perhaps more internet access around the place, and maybe a few more English signs here & there.

The one big thing that was different during this trip was the number of taxis we took: at least one or two every day - a complete change from when I at was Sun taking the subway & I've used cabs more on this 4-day trip than all my previous visits to Tokyo combined. The guys said it was a special case for foreign visitors, and considering the humidity I was grateful for that luxury. Ironically, though, the fares don't seem that far removed from what you'd expect to pay in Sydney for a similar duration... an interesting comparison of the way the economies of the two countries have been over the past few years.

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